
Digests are supported via the GordianDigestFactory interface.

GordianKnot supports most Digests available from BouncyCastle plus some additional algorithms.

JCA provides a subset of available algorithms as indicated


A digest is created by specifying a GordianDigestSpec which comprises the digestType/OutputLength plus StateLength if applicable. The digest can be used in much the same way as a JCA Digest, allowing reset, update and finalise methods.


                    /* Access factory */
                    final GordianFactory myBaseFactory = GordianGenerator.createFactory();
                    final GordianDigestFactory myDigestFactory = myBaseFactory.getDigestFactory();

                    /* Create digest */
                    final GordianDigestSpec mySpec = GordianDigestSpec.sha2(GordianLength.LEN_256);
                    final GordianDigest myDigest = myDigestFactory.createDigest(mySpec);

                    /* Calculate digest */
                    final byte[] myMessage = ...
                    final byte[] myResult = myDigest.finish();


The following algorithms are supported.

Algorithm StateLength OutputLengths JCA Notes
SHA2 512 224,256,384,512 Y
256 224,256 Y
Tiger 192 Y
Streebog 512 512 Y GOST3411-2012
256 256 Y
GOST 256 Y GOST3411-94
RipeMD 128 128,160 Y
256 256,320 Y
SHA3 224,256,384,512 Y
Skein 256 128,160,224,256 Y
512 128,160,224,256,384,512 Y
1024 384,512,1024 Y
SM3 256 Y
Blake2s 256 128,160,224,256 Y
Blake2b 512 160,256,384,512 Y
Blake3 512 256,512
SHA1 160 Y
MD2 128 Y
MD4 128 Y
MD5 128 Y
SHAKE 128 128,160,224,256
256 256,384,512
Kupyna 256,384,512 Y DSTU7564
JH 224,256,384,512
Groestl 224,256,384,512
CubeHash 224,256,384,512
Kangaroo 128 128,160,224,256 Kangaroo12
256 256,384,512 Marsupilami14
Haraka 256, 512 256 Y Note that input must be same length as stateLength